As you embark on a new year, in a new decade, you will likely have thoughts of improving your life. It is a long-standing tradition to set goals, or resolutions, at the start of a new year. For some, it might be to make more money, for others to take more time off work, and for most… to lose weight. You can find all sorts of lists and tips online on how to make this next year your best, but here are five quick tips that are guaranteed to make your life better…
1. Don’t over-train. As the gyms fill up in January with people who have not done any physical training since last January, many overdo it. This leads to inflammation, injuries, pain, and frustration. And instead of the body burning fat, it holds on to it. Start easy, and go slow. If you haven’t been physically active, simply walking for 30 minutes will do wonders for your health and body.
2. Don’t eliminate, just reduce. Another mistake many make is that they completely cut out things that they enjoy. You may set a goal to give up chocolate, but if you LOVE chocolate, it will never last. Humans are terrible when it comes to deprivation. The more we try to avoid what we love, the more we think about it and crave it. Eventually, we cave and give up completely. So… instead of giving up those chocolate almonds, have five or six, not the whole bag. If you love your morning coffee, but are thinking about giving it up… don’t. Make it one cup instead of four.
3. Choose higher quality. Choose meats that are grass-fed, fruits and veggies that are organic, and to build on that last tip, when you are indulging with some not-so-healthy snacks and habits, choose higher quality products. Make those chocolate covered almonds organic. And choose dark chocolate or high grade cocoa that is non-GMO. In regards to coffee, again choose organic brands from companies that you know are committed to healthier living and the environment. You know you are going to waiver and snack, make sure you choose healthier, more nutritious, versions of those foods and snacks.
4. Use better self-talk. We are our own worst critics. We beat ourselves up. I once heard someone recommend that we talk to ourselves the way we would talk to a child. As your child tries to walk and takes a tumble, you don’t criticize him, ridicule him, or scold him… you tell him what a great job he is doing, encourage him to get back up, and cheer him on (or her). So as you have your ups and downs, don’t be so harsh on yourself. So what if you miss a workout, have a bad day of eating, or don’t perform your best at work that day. Shake it off! Lift yourself up, compliment yourself, and cheer yourself on.
5. Visualize. I believe the best success tool humans have is the ability to see things how they want them to be. You are visualizing outcomes all day, every day. The problem is that you are often thinking the worst. Start seeing things the way you want them to be. Think about them as if they have already happened. The subconscious mind uses these visualizations to help turn them into reality. We have all heard sayings like… “What we think about, we bring about,” or, “What we focus on grows.” Well, it’s very true. Start seeing you as the person you want to be, the body weight you prefer, earning your ideal income, your relationships the best they can be, and living the life you have dreamed of. Start visualizing the BEST outcomes. Oh… and don’t just visualize. Close your eyes and feel the way you would feel as if it has already happened. Really feel it while you visualize it. Happy New Year to you all!
Check out Friday’s Findings for my number one NEW YEAR tip video.