Where Did We Go Wrong?

I was driving in the Chicago area while in college and got lost, and when I stopped to look around and figure out where I was, my friend started yelling to drive. We realized that we were in a very dangerous area of town, and our safety was literally at risk. At some point, we…

Friday’s Findings: 01.24.2020

1. A phenomenon I find fascinating… We hear about Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), but more people need to know about Post-traumatic growth. Yes, trauma can cause long-term stress and adverse behavioral changes, but in many, it can cause growth and improvement. People with post-traumatic growth have seen results such as “greater appreciation of life; changed…

Why Wait For A Crisis?

Human behavior is driven by pain and pleasure. We work hard to gain pleasure, and even harder to avoid pain. We seem to get things done when we absolutely have to. And when tragic events occur, I am reminded that we also bring out our best selves when we have to. Nothing prompts our best,…

Happy Anniversary To Me!

I have always felt fortunate to have known exactly what I wanted to do for a living since I was young. It made college planning very easy. I did my undergraduate work at Ohio University, then my doctorate work at Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa. When I started the chiropractic program, I told…

5 Simple New Year Tips

As you embark on a new year, in a new decade, you will likely have thoughts of improving your life. It is a long-standing tradition to set goals, or resolutions, at the start of a new year. For some, it might be to make more money, for others to take more time off work, and…