Chronic disease continues to skyrocket, children are becoming sicker and sicker, and our healthcare system is crumbling. Some would say we need to spend more money, but our country spends far more than other countries on healthcare, yet lands at the bottom of the list when we compare health outcomes. Some would say we need more hospitals and medical facilities, yet everywhere you look today, there is a hospital, urgent care center, or medical specialty office. Many would say we need more medication, and easier access to it, but Americans consume more drugs than any other country and continue to get sicker than everyone else.
The problem with our healthcare system is the foundational beliefs upon which it has been built. Somewhere along the line, the focus of the medical profession shifted from “health” care to “sickness” care. Attention went from treating effects rather than correcting the cause. And we are asking the wrong questions.
If you have been struggling with health issues, have seen doctor after doctor, tried treatment after treatment, but have failed to get the results you are looking for, it likely comes down to asking the wrong questions and treating the wrong thing.
There is a multi-billion-dollar specialization within medicine called pain management. A whole lot of resources, research, money, and people go into this specialty each day. And I get it, nobody likes pain, we all want relief from pain when we get it, and we would all love to see a cure for it. There is one problem… pain is not a “condition.” Pain is not a “disease.” Pain is not a “cause.” Pain is a symptom. Pain is an effect. Pain is the result of an underlying condition.
Your symptoms will ALWAYS return if the underlying condition or cause is not addressed, corrected, or cured. You MUST address the cause if your health is to ever reach an ideal and optimal level.
Your medical doctors have become experts in disease management, symptom treating, and pharmaceuticals. They have failed to correct conditions, cure disease, or make people truly well. If you have diabetes, they are great at telling you how to manage the condition, but there is no discussion of eliminating the condition. If you have back pain, medications are usually prescribed to reduce the pain, inflammation, and muscle spasms, but the cause of those symptoms is usually ignored. Even depression and anxiety, two rapidly growing conditions, are addressed with dangerous, addictive, and often useless drugs that are given with the hope that the symptoms are reduced. The cause of these conditions is seldom, if ever, addressed.
Instead of asking how to reduce your symptoms, start asking why you have these symptoms. Instead of thinking that your healthcare answers will be found in a pill, start realizing that your condition is likely tied to your lifestyle choices. Instead of buying into the idea that it is normal to feel more tired, depressed, and miserable as you age, start understanding that your body is designed to be well, full of vitality, and able to lift, bend, and twist.
Utilize the current medical system for what it is best at… emergencies. Utilize your lifestyle choices to eliminate the conditions, illnesses, and diseases that have been bogging you down and making you reliant on medications.
When you understand that our healthcare system does not focus on health, that your medical doctor has little or no training in lifestyle and wellness strategies, and that the pharmaceutical companies run the show and want more people on more drugs, you can take your health into your own hands. Start asking better questions and seeking better answers… and you’ll see incredible shifts in your health occur. Rethinking healthcare results in renewed health.