1. Inspiring clip I watched this week…
One of my best buddies sent me a 1-minute clip of entrepreneur Ed Mylett in an interview talking about something that inspired him. I loved it! I watched it several times, and it hit me just as hard each time. I can’t imagine anyone not being moved at least a little bit by it. (Thanks, Brad B., for this and all the other awesome content you send me!)
2. Reminder I had this week…
I came across a picture in my phone that I took earlier this summer. I saw a small basketball in the grass, knew it had been there for a while, and knew what the grass was going to look like underneath it. It was wilting, turning yellow, and dying. Why? Because that ball was blocking the sun. Without the sun, grass wilts, turns yellow, and dies. What a metaphor for life! When we are not getting what we need, we wilt too. That grass, like us, is genetically designed to thrive when it gets what it needs. In the case of that grass, all I had to do was remove the interference… get rid of that ball. And guess what? Within one to two days, that grass was green, growing, and thriving again. What’s interfering with your life? What’s keeping you from thriving? Why are you wilting and yellowing? It’s not supposed to be that way. Remove the interference, and your body will do the rest. Remove the interference, and you will THRIVE! (I know I used a plant last month as metaphor for life–I guess plants just make good metaphors. Haha!) In this week’s blog, I expand on this wilting idea. You can read it below this Friday’s Findings or click here.
3. Most concerning, confusing, and scary news I heard this week…
Yesterday, it was reported that the CDC’s vaccine advisory committee voted unanimously (15-0) that the COVID-19 vaccines be added for children as young as 6 months old to the new Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule to be rolled out in February 2023. WHAT??? I can only shrug my shoulders and see this as a move heavily influenced by the vaccine makers in a way to make more money and have continued protection against liability. Why would I say that? We know that the vaccine does not prevent infections, does not prevent the transmission of the infection, its effectiveness wanes quite quickly, and younger people appear to be at highest risk of adverse complications from the shots. Even with all that… the choice to have your child take these shots is yours to make. But for them to vote to have it added to the immunization schedule is completely mind-blowing. There have been many drugs and medical interventions that were found to be catastrophically harmful years after being approved and touted as safe. We still do not have that long-term data to know what harmful effects are possible. So… as I always say, the choice should be yours when it comes to ANY medical intervention. My decisions are ALWAYS based on risk versus benefit. I still can’t see the benefit for children getting these injections, as they are at such low risk for complications from COVID itself. For those that do not know… the current childhood vaccine schedule includes 54 injections by the time they are 18 years old. If given yearly, the COVID-19 vaccines would bring that number up to 72 injections. And one more thing to note (and something most people do not know)… vaccine manufacturers are not liable for injuries or death associated with any vaccine on the CDC’s childhood vaccine schedule. Everything stated above is fact. It should prompt you to think. And that’s all I am asking you to do (as I do not advise on medications, vaccines, or medical treatments). Ask yourself… does adding these shots to the childhood vaccine schedule make sense? I’m struggling hard to see the sense in it.