1. ANOTHER medical contradiction reported this week…
Once again, we find out that the medical advice that has been given to millions of Americans was wrong and dangerous. It was reported this week that The US Preventive Services Task Force is changing its recommendations on daily aspirin use, saying adults 60 and older should NOT take daily aspirin because “new evidence shows that potential harms cancel out the benefits.” The evidence is NOT new, as the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association said that daily low-dose aspirin is no longer recommended back in 2019. Taking aspirin daily, according to the task force, “comes with the serious risk of potential bleeding in the stomach, intestines and brain.” How many people were harmed by these recommendations? How many lives lost? I have always said that an aspirin a day had to be more harmful than helpful. Why? Because the human body is not deficient in aspirin. Therefore, taking aspirin every day cannot be a solution, and HAS TO come with adverse effects. My guess is aspirin makers were heavily involved with the initial recommendations to take their pills daily ($$$). Just wait… it’s only a matter of time until we find out what else we are being told to do to make us healthier turns out to cause more harm than good. Scary and frustrating… but predictable. (See image below is just a screenshot of the headline. For the article from CNN, you can click here.)
2. Something I ate this week (that might surprise you!)…
This week I had a… bologna sandwich. Yep… a bologna sandwich! Why? Because I felt like it. We were in the grocery store, I saw bologna, hadn’t had it in over a decade, and decided to buy it. Growing up, we ate it often. If you remember Oscar Mayer bologna, it came in a plastic packaging which would leave the Oscar Mayer logo imprinted on the bottom piece. Well, my younger brother, Greg, and I would physically wrestle right there in the kitchen for that piece. So dumb! But what memories. Haha! Anyway, I had a bologna and cheese sandwich this week on white bread. Two pieces of bread were too much, so I took the top piece off. A bologna and cheese sandwich on white bread will definitely not make any “super healthy meals” list, but that’s why I am sharing this. One unhealthy meal here and there, missing a workout from time to time, or slacking off once in a while isn’t what makes you sick and unhealthy. Don’t beat yourself up for having the occasional treat… and don’t miss opportunities to indulge in things that bring you joy… and in the case of my bologna sandwich… some great childhood memories.
3. Quote(s) I love…
A few quotes from Rumi…
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”
“Raise your words, not voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.”
“Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames.”
See 50 more great Rumi quotes by clicking here…