1. Product I switched this week…
Flossing your teeth at least once per day is super helpful for lots of reasons. I made it an absolute must years ago. Well… like many things these days, I found out that there could be a downside. A new study looked at the PFAs “forever chemical” in different brands of dental floss. These chemicals have been shown to adversely affect the human body in the following ways… reduction in immunity, reduced vaccination response, increased risk of allergies & asthma in young children, affect the growth, learning, and behavior of infants and older children, increase cholesterol levels, metabolic diseases like obesity & diabetes, cardiovascular disease, lower a woman’s chance of getting pregnant, lower male fertility, increase the risk of kidney & testicular cancers, cause endocrine disruption, disrupt normal thyroid function. And the brand I use, Oral-B Glide, had the highest levels by far, with a whopping 248,900 ppm (the highest levels of PFAS of any consumer product they’ve ever tested). YIKES! Thirteen out of the 39 products they tested (33%) had PFAS detected. You can see the whole article here, where they list the worst and the best (safest) dental floss brands. I did order Tom’s of Maine, but it feels a little too thick for me (Lana likes it). I ordered two other brands off the “best” list this morning to try. But the Oral-B Glide is in the trash.
2. Eye-opening reminder I had this week…
Years ago, while traveling out of the country, I noticed some products had different ingredients than the same product here in the U.S. Baffling! So… these companies, like Heinz, Kraft, Kellogg’s, etc., sell us products that are loaded with harmful ingredients, preservatives, and artificial components, yet do not put those ingredients in the same products sold in other countries. How is this possible (you should be asking)??? Because those other countries are looking out for the people, while the U.S. looks out for the big industries. It is corrupt! It is shameful! And it is unacceptable. And we wonder why we are SO sick. To recap… SAME products sold in the U.S. and other countries… DIFFERENT ingredients. You can watch this 11-minute video with more details on this (thanks for sharing it with me, Mom!)…
3. Inspiring movie we watched this week…
We watched American Underdog, a film about “the true story of legendary quarterback, Kurt Warner.” We were looking for something uplifting, and this one did not disappoint. The acting wasn’t the best, and it started out a bit slow, but the story is incredible. I knew who Kurt Warner was, and I knew a bit about his story, but this movie opened my eyes to the whole story, one that doesn’t seem possible. I LOVE real stories about human potential, people beating the odds, and people doing things that others think (and say) can’t be done. I have been thinking about this movie every day since watching it. Check out the trailer below.