1. Movie I saw last week (and you NEED TO also!)…
We finally made it to the movie Sound of Freedom. This is a movie about child sex-trafficking and has shaken everyone that I know that has seen it. Oddly, there was A LOT of resistance in getting it released, and even more oddly, it received almost no media coverage, despite its HUGE success at the box office. It also received a lot of critical reviews, many of which alluded to it being a misrepresentation of sex-trafficking. Critic Nick Allen, from RogerEbert.com, stated that the movie is a “solemn, drawn-out bore with a not particularly bold narrative stance.” Not sure what he was watching, but I’m not sure a movie could have a bolder narrative stance. This movie has resonated with people and is now considered “one of history’s most successful independent films (Wikipedia).” I think the controversy around the film heavily reflects how harsh the divisiveness has become in this country. If we can’t ALL agree that human trafficking, especially the sex trafficking of children, is a HUGE problem, and should be addressed in full force, what can we agree on? I encourage you to watch this movie. Everyone needs to see it. It is supposed to be released later this month to the streaming services. See the trailer below.
2. Something I’m taking a deeper dive into…
With all the hype around artificial intelligence (AI), I decided to take a deeper dive to get a better understanding of it. My overall impression of what I’ve learned is… Uh oh! Basically, AI is a lot like superhero powers… it can be used for good or for evil. We are at a critical point when VERY important decisions MUST be made before it is too late. Lana and I listened to a podcast about AI on the way to an event last weekend. Lana had a nightmare about it that night. We started watching a presentation called The AI Dilemma on YouTube. We watched about half of it, and when I went to turn it on again the next day to finish it, Lana said she didn’t want to see the rest of it. Yes… it’s that concerning. I think AI is something everyone needs to at least understand a little better. You can listen to the podcast we listened to here. And you can watch The AI Dilemma on YouTube or click here.
3. On a lighter note…
Those last two Findings are pretty heavy. So… on a lighter note… watch this video of this little boy laughing. It will instantly change your state and make you feel GOOD!