1. Habit I am trying to reinforce…
There’s a great lesson that I picked up a while back… Road block vs. Road sign. I can’t remember where I read it, but I had put it in my notes on my phone and have been thinking about it ever since. The idea here is that when you hit a snag along your journey of life, don’t let it be a road block that shuts you down. Let it be a road sign indicating the need for change–or simple course correction. We all make mistakes, but those mistakes should not define us or be the end-all. Let’s use those mistakes, problems, and mishaps to guide us onto a better, more successful path.
2. Words of wisdom I read, and re-read a few more times, this week…
Brian Kight sends out an email to subscribers, called Daily Disciplines. He trains, educates, and speaks about how to get the results you want in life (sound familiar???). I hadn’t heard of him or read any of his stuff until yesterday when someone sent me this week’s Daily Discipline (Thanks, Bev B.). I love what he has to say about being offended. Perfect timing and advice for ALL OF US right now. I’ll post a screenshot of that email post below. Read it! And when I visited his website (tbriankight.com), I picked up another nugget… he says that we’ve got to avoid the habit of BCD… blame… complain… defend. Do you do that? I know I do. Just hearing him talk about that for the one or two minutes that I listened shifted my thinking and expanded my awareness. Anyway, read his post below… it’s pretty good. (I also added a quote that I love about being offended, from Brigham Young, below that.)
3. Something that continues to baffle me…
I have never been as concerned as I am now about the handling and reporting of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the vaccine, and the pandemic in general. Based on the misinformation, mishandling of data, and censorship, it is clear there is an underlying agenda. Any speculation of what that agenda might be gets labeled as conspiracy theory. Frankly, I am not interested in the agenda as much as I am the dangerous misleading of the American people. The collecting and reporting of data, according to many scientists, is highly suspicious and reckless.
For instance, if someone gets infected with the virus after having had the vaccine, that is called a breakthrough case. The CDC is only listing it as a breakthrough case if the person is hospitalized or dies after being infected. This data is critical to better understand who might be at higher risk for infection, how likely one is to get infected, and basically assess the overall success of the vaccines.
It also appears that the vaccine is often neglected as a possible cause of, or contributor to, complications following vaccination. I had two elderly patients that were found to have blood clots in their legs and lungs, both had been vaccinated, both were heavily examined and questioned, yet not a single question pertaining to the vaccine was even asked. That is unscientific… and just odd. I have heard from many of my patients that potential adverse effects from vaccine are not even acknowledged, considered, or investigated.
And why would the FDA advise against having antibody testing done before or after getting the vaccine? So weird! Wouldn’t it be nice to know that if you have antibodies, you have protection, and would not benefit from the vaccine? And if tested after getting the vaccine, you can know if the vaccine worked and have more certainty about how protected you are. That antibody test could be the most valuable test to ensure a safe and effective mass vaccination program.
The fact is… we are still in an experimental phase, a phase in which we need to determine overall effectiveness (it can never be 100%), failure rate (there are many vaccinated people getting COVID), and specific people who should not get the shots (there surely is a subset of people, based on their past medical history, medications they are taking, or other metrics that make the risk of getting the shots outweigh the potential benefit). These are not emotional statements; they are scientific statements. These are not anti-medicine, anti-vaccine, or anti-government, or political statements. These are concerns that we all should be considering to ensure that we do not look back on our current actions as catastrophic mistakes (we’ve made catastrophic mistakes in the past). To ensure one is making the best decision with anything, it is always critical to have as much data as possible before making that decision. I believe anyone wanting to get the vaccine should have access to it, and anyone choosing to wait or deny the vaccine should be free to do so.