1. T-shirt I love…
I saw this t-shirt last week and loved it. It’s from a restaurant/bar in Clearwater Beach, Florida (Palm Pavilion). I love the colors, love the image (beachside shack, palm trees, surf boards, sailboat, Adirondack chair, etc.), and LOVE the quote… “It’s never too late to start Living the Dream.” (Thanks, Jim P.!) Read that again… it’s never too late!
2. Powerful podcast I’m listening to…
Dr. Joe Dispenza has what I believe to be the most powerful information in regards to making radical changes in your life. You can catch snippets of him on YouTube to check him out. I’ve listened to all of his stuff and read all of his books. I have yet to (but plan to) go to one of his live events. This week, I listened to him on Lewis Howes’ podcast, The School of Greatness. It’s only one hour long, but packed with some heavy info. I very, very seldom listen to a podcast twice… I listened to this one three times, and am listening to it AGAIN right now. I’ve also sent it to several close friends. I almost did not post because I believe you have to be ready to hear what he is saying, and you have to be open to a new way of thinking. It sounds weird to say, but it’s not for everyone, yet everyone NEEDS to hear and understand this information. Take it… or leave it… but the whole point of these Friday’s Findings is to share with you the things I see, hear, think, and experience in my own quest to figure it all out and live my best life possible. They start out talking about money and financial abundance, but it goes way bigger than that. You can listen to it on Apple podcast here, or watch it on YouTube here.
3. VERY Concerning article I read this week…
I read an article in The Guardian this week titled, ‘Disturbing’: Weedkiller Ingredient Tied To Cancer Found In 80% Of US Urine Samples: CDC Study Finds Glyphosate, Controversial Ingredient Found In Weedkillers Including Popular Roundup Brand, Present In Samples.
“More than 80% of urine samples drawn from children and adults in a US health study contained a weedkilling chemical linked to cancer, a finding scientists have called ‘disturbing’ and ‘concerning’.” Glyphosate was classified as a probable human carcinogen way back in 2015, yet it is still being used (200 million pounds of glyphosate is used every year by U.S. farmers). Oh wait… maybe we don’t have to worry about this because… “Monsanto and the company that bought it in 2018, Bayer, have maintained that glyphosate and Roundup products are safe, and that residues in food and in human urine are not a health risk.” What a joke! If we really want to wipe out chronic diseases like cancer, we MUST eliminate the toxins we eat, breath, and touch. This stuff is even being found in baby food. UNACCEPTABLE!!! (Click here for full article.)