1. Strategy I took a deeper dive into this week…
I’ve known that there are ways to increase your success in achieving goals or improving behaviors and habits, but did not realize there was a term for those strategies/devices. They are called commitment devices. I believe knowing more about these will help you be more successful with the changes and improvements you want to make in your life. Click here for an article that explains commitment devices pretty well. There are websites like stickK.com where you can set a goal (i.e., lose 15 pounds), commit a specified amount of money to that goal (i.e., $250), and then state what will happen with that money if you do not achieve that goal (i.e., it will go to a charity or organization you don’t like, or to a friend/co-worker/family member). Success can increase by 2-3x using these devices. Smokers were 30% more successful with quitting when using devices like this. Imagine knowing that your hard-earned money will go to the political party you oppose if you fail. Wow! That should ensure success!
2. Word I love…
I love the word optimal. Wiktionary defines it as “the best, most favorable or desirable, especially under some restriction.” How good can you be? How hard can you work? How much can you do? We all do pretty well, but in everything we do there is an optimal level. I believe a successful life is one in which we continue to strive for optimal. And I like Wiktionary’s definition because it adds …especially under some restriction. Most of what we do comes with some restriction, which is why we stop and settle for mediocre. Pushing through that restriction is where we find optimal. I’m intrigued (almost consumed) with knowing what my optimal is. What’s your best? Your most favorable? Your optimal???
3. Book I just bought…
I heard author Robert Greene on a podcast this week promoting his new book, The Daily Laws: 366 Daily Meditations on Power, Seduction, Mastery, and Human Nature. I bought it. So far, so good. It is a thick book, but super manageable, as you only read one page each day. The messages come from his six international best-selling books and more. These mediations, or messages, are great food for thought for the day. I’m only a few days in, but I’m liking what I have read so far. If interested, you can find that book on Amazon by clicking here.