Think Well

The food we eat and the amount of exercise we perform are the first things we think of when we think of health and wellness. While they are critical components to living well, I believe how you think is much more important. Few people realize, like the foods we put in our mouths, we can…

Respecting The Positions of Others

Last week, the title of my article (blog) was You Do Your Thing… I’ll Do Mine. I was basically suggesting not imposing your will upon others to adapt to the beliefs you have. In turn, those others should do the same. It would reduce the tension, anger, and violence. You may think what someone else is…

You Do Your Thing…I’ll Do Mine

These are turbulent times! The divisiveness is so palpable, and with it comes anger, hostility, frustration, and violence. I’m guessing humans have disagreed since the beginning of time, so having opposing viewpoints should not be surprising to anyone. What has surprised me more and more lately is the desire people have to impose their views…