Health and wellness are such hot topics these days. There is so much talk about diet, exercise, sickness, and disease. Many of our conversations revolve around what condition we have, what doctor we need to see, what diet we are going to try next, or the new workout program we are going to start.
There are two major issues regarding health and wellness (actually there are many, many more than just two, but let’s just focus on these two for this article)… First, no one can agree on what is best for humans when it comes to how we should eat, move, think, or live. While your friends and family share their ideas on what diet is best, or which exercise program is most effective, what doctor you should see, or what therapy you should do, even the so-called experts, with all the science, studies, and research available, cannot agree on what exactly we as humans should be doing to get, and stay, well.
The second major issue is that despite having more information, more studies, more research, and easier access to all that information, we continue to get sicker and sicker. It is painfully obvious that what we are doing is not working, most of the information is not accurate, and the people telling you what to do to be well obviously do not know what they are talking about. People tend to seek out information and answers when they encounter a health issue or want to get thinner, fitter, and healthier. They may turn to their friends, search the web, or look for the best health care professional. One problem that occurs is that they get conflicting information which confuses and frustrates them. Another problem is that even if they get good information, they usually will not follow through fully with whatever it is they should be doing. A third problem is that they get overwhelmed with all the information and just get paralyzed, doing nothing at all.
This third problem is probably the biggest. You may be doing nothing at all because you just aren’t sure who to listen to or what information is best. Because there are so many options and opinions out there, you hesitate to do anything at all.
While I sympathize with you on the frustration with not having clarity when it comes to what diet is best, which exercise is most effective, or what therapies you should be doing, you have enough information and know enough to be doing something. My recommendation, if you are doing nothing right now, is to start with doing something… anything!
You may not have all the answers (no one does!), and you may be overwhelmed and confused with so many different opinions and theories out there, but you know enough to be doing something to start moving in the right direction.
You may not know which diet is perfect, but you know that the broccoli is better than the French fries, and that nuts are a better snack than a candy bar. You may not know which exercise program is best, but know that walking, swimming, or riding a bike is better than sitting on the couch every night, and that taking the stairs is better than taking the elevator.
You have read enough, learned enough, seen enough, and experienced enough to at least be doing something. You may not be an expert, and the information you read may be contradictory and confusing, but you know enough to be making better decisions and to be doing a better job. Don’t stop striving for the best answers to your health and wellness questions, but make sure you are making choices right now that you know are good. You may not know all the right answers, but you know enough right now to be making better choices.