We know that if we plant a seed in rich soil, water it, and give it sunlight, it would not be long before we see it sprout and begin to grow. What if you did everything you were supposed to, but nothing happened for weeks? You would likely give up on it, eh? What if I told you to hang in there, continue to work on it, and to continue to wait, and you agree to do so… yet nothing happens after months, then years? How long would you hang in there?
Well, if it were the Chinese Bamboo Tree, it can take from three to five years of care once the seeds are planted before you ever see it even sprout. Crazy, huh? Here is something even crazier… around the fifth year, when it does finally sprout, it proceeds to grow at an incredible rate, roughly one to three feet each day, reaching heights of ninety feet in just sixty days.
So, you might ask, why doesn’t it do anything for those first five years? It does do something! In fact, it does a whole lot. Underneath the soil, the part you cannot see, that bamboo is growing an intricate root system strong enough to support the incredible growth that occurs once it sprouts. That massive root growth, and the years it takes for it to develop, are essential for the rapid, upward growth.
Does this have anything to do with wellness? This has everything to do with wellness! The watering and caring for the bamboo in those years when you see nothing happening are like the healthy behaviors you practice for weeks and months without seeing, or feeling, any change.
How many times have you embarked on a new diet, workout program, or both, and after a couple of weeks of hard work, staying on schedule, no cheating, and giving it your all, have you stepped on the scale only to see that nothing has changed? You give up because you assume, because the numbers on the scale have not changed, that all your hard work was useless. You forget that real change takes time. You don’t see the cells inside your body radically transforming, preparing for the change that is inevitable, if only you stay the course, continue working hard, and give your body the time it needs.
The Chinese Bamboo Tree teaches us about patience, persistence, and faith. When it comes to your health, I believe you understand the need for patience and persistence, but I believe the reason you still give up is because of lack of faith. Our current healthcare system has you believing that sickness and disease are normal and that the human body just goes haywire sometimes. You have bought into the belief that your genes dictate how heavy you will become, how sick you will get, and how long you will live. This misunderstanding and misinformation shatters your faith that the human body, if given what it needs, will sprout, grow, and flourish in miraculous ways.
So, as you make healthier lifestyle choices, remember the Chinese Bamboo Tree, and know with certainty that things are happening that you cannot see. And if you continue for long enough, your hard work will pay off, and you will eventually reap the benefits of your efforts. Your body will change, your energy levels will go up, you will heal, and your life will improve! And remember… this does not just apply to your health; it applies to your finances, your career, your friendships, your marriage, and every other aspect of your life.