In case you have not noticed, the art of medicine has been replaced with the business of medicine. More than 18 cents of every dollar goes toward healthcare in this country. Do you know how much is spent per person each year on health care? A whopping $10,224! This is greater than two times more than most developed nations spend.
Some might argue that we should spend whatever it takes for great health. I would agree. The problem is that, despite all the money being spent, our country consistently ranks lower than these other countries when it comes to health. Simply put, we are not getting our money’s worth. It doesn’t matter how much money you spend if you are spending it on the wrong stuff.
We have become consumed by health and health care, and with so much emphasis these days on this, we have accepted this notion that we are sick people struggling to get well. There is no doubt we are very, very sick, and it is obvious that we are working hard to get well, but a shift in your thinking will help you and your family achieve the level of health and wellness you deserve.
You need to stop thinking about sickness. Your focus has to shift to wellness. You are not a sick person trying to get well! You are a healthy person trying to make consistent healthy lifestyle choices. This attachment we have to sickness just leads to more sickness. Our health care system revolves around waiting for you to have some ailment, doing a bunch of expensive, and often dangerous, tests to name what you have, then prescribing either drugs to manage the condition or surgery to remove the organ, tissue, or cells in question.
You have become a customer to medicine. You are pumped with fear and made to feel like without medicine you can’t live. It starts with pregnancy. Pregnancy is no longer this amazing time of a fetus developing beautifully in the womb and a woman giving the natural birth she was designed for. Pregnant women are poked, tested, and scanned. Pregnancy is filled with constant doctoring that is not focused on a healthy pregnancy, but instead fear-based medical bombardment.
Once the child is born, he or she is given a shot, laying the foundation for a failed philosophy of health from the outside-in, instead of real health and wellness, which comes from the inside-out. The so-called well-baby check-ups begin, but there’s one big problem… they have to do mostly with vaccines, and nothing to do with wellness.
This attachment to medicine and the idea that without doctors we would be doomed sticks with us from birth to old age. Our elderly’s discussions revolve around what condition they have, what doctor they are seeing, and what medications they are taking. Medicine consumes us.
It’s time to focus on the fact that you are not designed to be sick. You are not destined for some disease or condition. You are designed to be full of energy, have a strong sense of purpose on this earth, and live a life free of sickness.
So remember that you are a healthy person. Your body was designed to fight infections, diseases, and other ailments. A flower in the garden will flourish if it gets the water, sunlight, and nutrients it needs. You too will flourish if you give your body what it needs and get rid of what is bad for it. The sooner you realize that you are a healthy person trying to make choices consistent with a healthy human, the sooner you get out of the health care trap. Break free from the idea that you need a doctor, need medicine, and need the best health insurance. None of those things have led us to abundant health. You are not a sick person trying get well. You are a healthy person trying to make choices consistent with what a healthy human needs.