1. Podcast EVERYONE needs to listen to…
This podcast is being touted as controversial on the internet. YouTube took it down. It’s Joe Rogan interviewing Dr. Peter McCullough. I’ve heard a lot from Dr. McCullough over the past year and a half, and find him to be very knowledgeable, genuine, and credible. I felt this was one of THE MOST information-packed podcasts I have heard yet regarding many aspects of this pandemic. Wherever you are in regards to COVID, the vaccine, mandates, and the pandemic as a whole, it is critical to gather as much information as possible to remain informed from multiple sources. In this podcast, Dr. McCullough is thorough, very scientific, scientifically-supported, and interjects common sense and logic. He helps clarify a lot of questions I have had. Is he wrong about anything in this podcast? My guess is yes. Is he wrong about everything in this podcast? Surely no. He makes some very interesting and compelling points (not conspiracy theories) that will get you thinking. I am NOT trying to convince you of anything. Listen to it… or don’t. I just felt obligated to share it. It’s almost three hours long, but worth it. You can only listen to it on Spotify now, since YouTube censored it.
2. Funny ads I came across…
Here are some funny and creative magazine Christmas ads…
3. Word I’m giving more thought to…
Retreat… It is good to get away periodically, to reflect, to ponder, and to reassess. The word retreat means the act of withdrawing, or to pull away from. It is often used in terms of withdrawing from enemy forces. While a retreat can extend over days, we can retreat regularly throughout the day. Who’s the enemy? Stress, negative thoughts, the daily grind, people that suck the life out of you and bring you down. What got me thinking about the word retreat was a recent podcast I listed to with singer, songwriter, and adventurist, Mike Posner. He made the point that when we retreat, we can pull away from the past and the future… to be in the present. Hearing that expanded my understanding of the word retreat and made it much more powerful. We need to retreat regularly… and be more present.