1. Smoothie company I tried… and love…
Smoothies are a great way to get a lot of nutrients into your body quickly and easily. I find that the easier it is to make them, the more likely I will do it. I recently tried a company called Daily Harvest (www.daily-harvest.com), who sends you cups full of a variety of fruits and veggies, pre-measured so that you can fill the cup with water, coconut or almond milk, or any other liquid, dump all of it into a blender, and it makes a perfect smoothie that can be dumped back into the paper cup it came in. (You can watch a quick demo video to give you an idea of how it works here.) They are not cheap, but they are tasty, full of nutrients, and super convenient. You can click here or the link below to get $25 off your first order (I think I get a $25 credit too!?!). That’s what got me to try it, and it made it much more affordable. I’d recommend giving it a shot and trying it out. There are many different smoothies to pick from. Just FYI… I add a scoop of protein powder to most of my smoothies.
Get $25 Off on Your First Order!
2. Bad habit I have…
I use post-it notes to jot down the things I have to do each day. I then try to get each of those things done. However, I often don’t get the list completed and end up with post-it notes everywhere. It drives me crazy. I once had a nightmare that I was suffocating because I had a bunch of post-it notes covering my mouth. Ridiculous! Well… about once every couple of weeks, I gather all of my post-it notes and consolidate any of the not-yet-done things onto one list. It is gratifying to crumple up all those other post-it notes, throw them all away, and have just one list. For your entertainment, I’ll attach a pic of my pile of crumpled paper from last Sunday. Funny thing is… that wasn’t even all of them.
3. Audio book I am finishing…
I am just finishing the audiobook, Awareness, by Anthony de Mello. This book will get you really thinking. Anthony de Mello was an Indian Jesuit priest and psychotherapist. Some will not like this book as it may not jive with their spiritual beliefs, some won’t like it because mindfulness, as de Mello explains it, is pretty deep. I listen and read things with an open mind and use the information to grow my own understanding and awareness, without trying to block it out simply because everything someone shares isn’t congruent with exactly what I believe. These words from de Mello sum it up pretty well… “There’s nothing so delightful as being aware. Would you rather live in darkness? Would you rather act and not be aware of your words? Would you rather listen to people and not be aware of what you’re hearing, or see things and not be aware of what you’re looking at? The great Socrates said, ‘The unaware life is not worth living.’ That’s a self-evident truth. Most people don’t live aware lives. They live mechanical lives, mechanical thoughts—generally somebody else’s—mechanical emotions, mechanical actions, mechanical reactions.” And another quote that grabbed me… “Pleasant experiences make life delightful. Painful experiences lead to growth.” I love that quote and wrote it on the dry erase board in my gym so that I am reminded that there is meaning and purpose from the hard things in life. (And so my kids would read it!). You can find the audible or paperback version on Amazon by clicking here.